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fredag 26 april 2024


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  1. Thank you all, this is very interesting! Some googling suggests that the term "una-rigged" is sometimes also used in English.
  2. Hello all! I encountered the word "urnariggad" in Sven Hedin's book about his expedition in Central Asia around 1900, "Asien - tusen mil på okända vägar" (vol. 1, page 475). Here is the word in context: Sedan däckades skutan med skinn, spändt som en trumma; en mast, som kunde tagas af, hade sin plats i klykor i fören och båten blef urnariggad. For more context I attached a picture of the entire page (for more adjacent pages, see this imgur gallery). I can't find "urnariggad" in any dictionary and with some googling I couldn't find anyone else using this word, so I'm wondering what it means or if it's perhaps a misprint. Thanks in advance for any help. P.S. The English edition of that book translates the quoted passage as: "Then we covered her with skins stretched as taut as a drum. A mast, which could be put up and taken down at pleasure, was fixed in crutches in the fore part of the boat, and she was rigged with a fore and aft sail." (source: https://archive.org/details/centralasiatibet01hedi/page/413/mode/1up?view=theater)
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